
Religion and Sexual Orientation and Youth Protection


The BSA has no requirement for adherence to any particular religious beliefs.  The BSA is absolutely nonsectarian.  Buddhists, followers of Native American religions, Muslims, Jews, Christians of all denominations, and many others, including those who define their own spirituality, can be, and are members of the BSA.  The BSA does not require a Scout attend their faith’s worship services every week; a Scout could practice their faith privately at home.  The BSA recognizes religious awards for about 35 faith groups including Islam, Judaism, Baha'i, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Sikhism and over two dozen varieties of Christianity including Unitarian Universalism; but all of the religious training is done by the religious organization and not by the BSA.  Once a year our Scouts attend a church service at one of the Churches in Mission Hills on “Scout Sunday” as a “thank you” to the churches for sponsoring the Scouting program in Mission Hills . . but this is not mandatory.  The bottom line requirement about religion is that a Scout must be “reverent” (according to the Scout Law which is memorized by every Scout BSA).  If during their Scouting advancement, a Scout is questioned about their “duty to God”, the Scout should be ready to discuss this with respect to their own religion or their own spirituality.

Our Scout Troop and Cub Pack welcomes all youth regardless of religion, individual spirituality, sex, or sexual orientation. 

The Boy Scouts of America requires Youth Protection training (YPT) for all Scouting volunteers.  Our Troop requests that at least one parent of each Scout take the training.  Anyone may review or complete the training by going to http://my.scouting.org (you must create a free account in order that BSA can keep track of your progress or completion of the course).  In addition, Adult Scout Leaders are subject to California AB506 training and background check requirements.

Get your kid out of the house, away from the video screens, out into nature and into Scouting!



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                                    This website is the property of the Troop 20 Committee in San Diego, California and is reflective only of our views, thoughts, and opinions.  This site does not have the endorsement of the Boy Scouts of America, and it is not an official communication channel of the Boy Scouts of America.